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What do you need to know about running with a weighted vest? You need to understand the major benefits along with potential problems before you run with a weighted vest. You also should understand the specifics of weighted vests so you know what to look for before you invest in this important fitness equipment.

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When you're a runner who has suffered a knee injury or if you have recurring knee weakness and want to run, you should wear a knee brace. While running with a knee brace may initially feel bulky, even a basic compression brace will keep your knee stable and healthy as you seek the open road.

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Do sore calves mean you have an injury, and what do you do to prevent sore calves or treat sore calves? Sore calves are a natural part of running. You can prevent them with proper stretching and strengthening techniques, and you can treat sore calves the same way you treat other sore muscles, with ice, massage, and anti-inflammatory medication.

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